
Friday, February 29, 2008

Adult GPA

I feel like I took too many classes and now I'm getting B's and C's in everything. And, perhaps, a D+ in health.

I spent another week in bed. Three weeks ago, it was most likely the flu. This time, it's sinusitus and bronchitus.

As a result, I'm missing all sorts of meetings and shirking on countless responsibilities.

Friendship 301: B- (For not even bothering to return phone calls or e-mails.)
Reading 365: C+ (Way behind.)
Household Cleaning and Whatnot 201: C- (Don't want to talk about it.)
Pro Bono 201: B+ (Getting it done, but not on schedule.)
Plans 320: C (I've skipped out on at least half of them.)
Work 500: Incomplete. (Don't want to think about it.)
Obama 222: A- (Missed the rally but watched the debate. So long as I'm well enough to vote next Tuesday, this will be my only "A" class.)

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