
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cooking Tips.

Never ever ever ever ever use seafood stock in risotto. It smells like cat food.

Let's go one step further and say never ever ever ever ever use seafood stock in anything.

I feel better now.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day Post.

So I have a family of groundhogs living in my backyard. From careful observation, I've been able to determine that groundhogs eat: everything. They eat leaves off of trees. They eat weeds. They eat mulberries. They eat beans. They eat geraniums. I've started referring to them as "The Little Fuckers" which is incorrect, because they've actually started to get quite big. My yard feeds them well.

I mentioned the groundhogs to various adults in my life, including Bryan's dad.

"Can you see them?" he asked.

"Can I see them? Yes I can see them."

"Well," he replied, "if you can see them, you can shoot them."


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